Friday, June 29, 2012

Will You Marry Me?

I'm engaged to Brian Sommer. 




and I'm sure you're all DYING to know the story, so here it is! :) 

[but we have to start from the beginning]

I left for Indianapolis on Tuesday, June 12 to visit Brian and his family for a few days.  After getting to know his family and the cute hippie town of Broadripple, we drove up to West Michigan to visit my family.  My mother, father, and brother were flying to Michigan for a reunion on my Mom's side of the family, so it was perfect timing for Brian to meet my family as well.  Brian and my parents spent time together at Holland beach and Grand Haven on that Friday.  
Basically that whole day Brian was acting super weird.  I mean, if you know him he generally is a goofy guy...but seriously, today was a different Brian.  He was acting nervous and silly all day, and when we got back to my grandmother's house he kept talking about how he wanted to take me "to this certain place". 

At this point, I totally knew what was coming. 

Brian and his family have been coming up to Holland, Michigan once a year since he can remember, so he kind of knows the area.  He took me through the beach cottages on the lake, walking on the sand, and to the pier overlooking Lake Michigan.  As the sun was setting, he said all these wonderful things, got on his knee, and asked the question...
"Will you marry me?"

...but he didn't have a ring. HHmmm..
* the ring he was going to give me didn't turn out to be quite right, so he said he would work on getting one the following week.
So, to make it feel more official until the actual ring was placed on my finger, we got a pretend ring from Walmart, America's finest jeweler.  Then he proposed again in the parking lot. 


Brian left to go back to Indiana a few days later, and came back up to Michigan after my family reunion in Northern Michigan was over.  He took me back to the pier, in a "different" spot, and proposed again - with my beautiful (real) diamond ring! 

So, I got proposed to three different times in a span of 10 days. Who else can say that?!

I'm so excited to marry my best friend. I can't wait to call him my husband! :):):):):)

Let the wedding planning begin...


  1. Congrats again. The ring is gorgeous!

  2. awwwwe, it's so great to hear the full story! congratulations!!!

  3. Love!! Can't wait to see it in person, and more importantly, to see YOU in person! :)
