It also feels like our lives keep changing and there's always something new going on.
"Can't things just settle down already?"
"Why is everything such a huge adjustment?!"
"When will things finally seem... normal?"
These are things we constantly keep asking ourselves. There's no doubt about it - change, in any circumstance, is DIFFICULT. Sometimes exciting, but that doesn't mean it's not difficult. Ugh.
Here's the latest news, for those interested...

This summer I've been working at the Humane Society of West Michigan, helping run day camps for kids. This entails teaching kids about becoming advocates for animals, and learning how to care for animals. On top of everything, we get to play with the animals up for adoption! Probably the best job ever, in my opinion. I actually did the same thing about six years ago, and kept in touch with them since. Strange how it all works out!
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Brian reading to Kenya, our great friends' 2 year old :) |
We've moved into an apartment in May that accepts large dogs (VERY HARD TO FIND over here) and have slowly been settling in. We are very blessed that all of our furniture and other things have been given to us by some very generous people! Kai loves being an indoor dog, but also loves the fenced in dog park at our apartment complex.
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Deer in our "backyard" |
As I sigh in awe for a way to close this blog, I want to go back to one of the questions we continue to ask ourselves... "when will things finally seem...normal?" I can't really say I know what "normal" means at this point. We've been gone from this country for four years. We've changed. Time hasn't stopped for people here. Life has moved on without us during the last four years. It feels like it should have just paused and we could take off where we've left things in the past.
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Celebrating Grand Rapids Art Festival |
In closing, I ask that you keep praying for our transition. We have some specific needs as well...
1. We will be in need of another car to buy/long-term borrow in a few weeks. Our schedules will start conflicting too much in the third week of August, and we're in need to purchase another car. Please pray for miraculous funds for this!
2. Finances for the rest of the summer.
3. Wisdom. That we as a couple come whole-heartedly to the Lord when making decisions.
4. We get the funds to have internet in our apartment.
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